Agent Branding & Marketing

5 Terrible Insurance Marketing Tactics Ruining New Sales

Unless there is a circumstantial need, people rarely come looking for insurance agents. As a result, insurance marketing plays a major role in the success of an agency. It is an essential function of...

Maintaining Your Book of Business: 7 Insurance Agency Retention Strategies

Finding clients to fill your book of business is challenging. These days, it is not just about establishing a marketing budget and paying for a few ads. You have to maintain a presence on numerous...

5 Flood Insurance Myths to Dispel for Your Clients

Like with many types of insurance (whether it’s home, car, or life) many homeowners would like to think that they are immune from floods. However, believe it or not, in the past 5...

5 “Toys” Clients Need To Insure

At some point, all reasonable adults know that they will need insurance (part of “adulting”, as Millennials say these days.) They need it to protect their most valuable assets, such as...

Addressing the Needs of Rental Car Insurance Clients?

It’s a familiar scenario in car rental transactions: a customer, having just endured a long flight, has to face the uncomfortable discussion about rental car insurance coverage. They’re standing in...

4 Tips for Selling Financial Services to Insurance Clients

For many insurance agents, selling policies is easy. However, with the expansion of many insurance companies into the financial services arena, many agents may be wondering, “How do I sell these...

Top Tips for Selling Insurance on Value Rather Than Price

In a world where everyone is looking for a “great deal,” it can be tempting to join the crowd and base your services on low prices. Odds are, however, that you will be unable to maintain the lowest...

How To Find Clients With Insurance Policy Gaps

Agents are always looking for new prospects. After all, new business and clients are what keeps those sales numbers up, right? While new customers are always a good thing, sometimes, acquiring...

Should Your Clients Purchase Additional Moving Insurance

Moving insurance is one of those things often forgotten. Most people think they can get by without that type of coverage; that the moving company will have everything covered. In fact, many relocation...

Insurance Agent Branding: Building Trust and Loyalty for Business Longevity

The business landscape is now less about big budgets and more about big brands. Money won’t necessarily buy marketing success these days. Which is just as well because as an agent, you probably don’t...

Top 20 Apps for Insurance Agents

Apps on smartphones are about as ubiquitous as mobile devices themselves. When they say “there’s an app for that”, they really do mean it.  You can download everything from...

Are You Marketing Your Insurance Office The Right Way? (Part 1)

Marketing is an important part of any business, no matter what type of company you’re running. Many insurance agencies these days focus on sales, which in itself isn’t a bad thing...
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