As an insurance agent, you probably already know that personal auto insurance usually extends to car rental insurance. You may have even used this fact to help your clients save money...
For boat owners, there’s nothing like taking their precious vehicles out onto the water and enjoy a day of just cruising around, wind in their hair, or maybe even dropping a fishing line and...
Coverage provided by homeowners insurance often extends to much more than the obvious. Many people think coverage stops at their front door; that beyond burst pipes and damaged furniture there isn’t...
An increasing number of people are becoming landlords. From individuals leasing their spare bedrooms to entrepreneurs capitalizing on the rising demand for rental property, more people are joining the...
Insurance is one of those things that people need but hope they never have to use. After all, while everyone has car, home, or even life insurance, no one wants to get into an accident, have their...
“Oh there’s no place like home for the holidays…” or so the famous Christmas song says. Of course, for many people, it might also mean thinking about homeowners...
A lot can happen in a year. Children come of age and move out, old cars are traded in for new models, and the odd impulse buy means the garage now has a few extra “toys” crammed inside. Those are some...
December will see a fresh batch of new cars hitting the roads. Some will be due to generous gift givers; others will simply be people giving themselves a well-deserved treat. Whatever the reason, the...
If you’re feeling like your agency is in a slump, then maybe it’s time to re-energize with some fresh and new insurance marketing ideas. Not sure where to begin? Check out these 34...
When it comes to auto insurance, most people who buy them know that it can pay for most types of damages to the car, property, or people. Many states require some form of car insurance before you can...
No doubt, you have a strong business plan that is clearly seen in the mind’s eye. But, unless you organize and write down how you will get things done, the plan can quickly get out of control...
To be a successful insurance sales professional, you need to possess certain traits: passion, dedication, an aptitude for hard work. But even the most committed sales veteran needs...